An award and AUD$300.
wel, i din expect to get it cos i knew my semester2 exams werent that good.
all my average drop..chemistry dropped the most..sad='(
but amazingly maths average went up a little bit,not much, jus 2%
when they started giving the awards..
i was sitting there thinking...
how cool would it be if i could get1 jus lik tt
because i always watch ppl getting awards from down stage...
never once upstage..
so i tot this time would be the same
i heard a lot of smart ppl around my college...
and i didnt really fight to be the top..
jus did the best i can...
wel, i felt happy when i did really well..
tt's y i study..
and obviously i onli the subjects i lik
bio,maths,chem and info sys
no more calculas(add maths), history and physics=)
when they started announce the student was got an award
first was the Doug Russell Award.
Bowie won it.
and i think he deserve it.
All his average is 90 and above
and his lowest mark is info sys which is my highest mark
cool man..
He got the highest percentage in the entire college..
even better the local students which are repeating it for the second time
i m happy for him=)
after that was the Commonwealth Bank Awards
and it was won by Xian Ching and Amanda.
Xian Ching, i jus got to him while i was revising my studies wf jenny and joanna during semester2
he is really a hardworking guy
He also won the best chemistry and calculas among the Year 12 students..
i din heard Amanda name...but some say they heard..
well, mayb i wasnt listening...
so she went up and got her award and took a pic
den i tot..how did she know?mayb she has already received a letter for it.
now it was the Market Force award..
and he announce 2 names...
when i heard the 2nd name
i heard "Jane Lee" den i say to myself..i shouldnt be..
i heard wrongly...i was convincing myself it wasnt me...
jus to escape the embrassing moment if i stand up but it wasnt me..
so i waited for a gal to go..
but nobody went up...
weird huh?
then he announce again..
Jane Lee..
i waited again...looking around to see if anybody stood up...
but nobody stood up..
so i gather my courage and stood up..
and the speaker said, ya Jane..
there u r..
he knows me because i was performing on that dance...
wow, i really never tot i could get an award for my results...
my results were never good in primary school..
it was common to fail especially chinese
and i was jus lucky to get into Keat Hwa when my parents donated some money to the school
i know,kinda lik bribing right?
if not i had to go to seberang perak..
damn stupid right...
after form 3, i started to study a little hard but wasnt good enough..
spend my whole year with drama...
wasnt in class for half the year...
so i got only 4A's and that wasnt good enough to enter science stream...
so my mom had to write a letter to the PK and tell him that i wanna study science..
well, i lik science...weird huh?
den i got into 4A2..
i cried the 1st week when i went there..
cos i had no frens at all..
because i was always in B class..
never in A
and my frens were all stuck in B class..
so ya, no frens..sob sob:'(
and i started to make some frens..
and i got to know a really great group of frens..
and we have been best frens ever since...
and i jus wanna thank them who was always there for me...
patiently teaching me...
and they eventually became my target...
to close the big the gap between our marks..
and yeah..SPM ended up 8A's
all of dem got better results den me
except poor little shing zhuan..
so yeah, i got an award and i m proud of myself.
and this award has motivated me to study even harder because i do not wan the college to be disappointed in me..
before i stop...the award is given to the top students..but randomly pick
for example, mayb they chose among 20 top students..and i was 1 of the 20...
something lik tt..they didnt mention how many top students they pick from..
they jus said randomly picked among top students..
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